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Causes And Risk Factors Linked To Multiple Sclerosis

Gender And Age

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An individual's gender and age may have an impact on their risk of developing multiple sclerosis. The relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis such as relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis are found much more commonly in females than they are in males. In primary-progressive multiple sclerosis and secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis, the distribution of individuals who are affected is equally divided between males and females. Multiple sclerosis is diagnosed between forty-five and sixty-four years old more often than it is within any other age groups. Between thirty and thirty-five years old is when most individuals tend to experience their first symptomatic manifestations of multiple sclerosis. Different types of multiple sclerosis affect certain age groups in different ways than others. For example, individuals who are fifty years old or older at the time they are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis are more likely to be affected by one of the more progressive variations of the disease.

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