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How To Deal With Your Cat's Claws

Trim Claws Regularly

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Keeping your cat's claws trimmed is important for their health. You should trim their claws approximately once every two weeks. If your cat's claws grow faster, aim for every ten days instead. It's best to begin trimming claws when your cat is a kitten. Otherwise, it might take some time to get them used to the process. Make sure the environment is calm, as a stressed cat is more difficult to deal with. Begin by getting your cat used to the clippers. Set them down nearby. Let your cat sniff them and grow comfortable around them. You can also try holding the clippers and rub them against your cat's fur. Once your cat is ready, hold them in your lap. They should face away from you. Hold a paw and gently massage the pad until their claws extend. Clip the tip only, as there are nerves farther down. Continue if your cat doesn't seem to mind. If they seem unsettled, give them a treat. You might need to do one or two claws at a time and finish the rest later.

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