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How To Lower Resting Heart Rate

Reduce Stress

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An individual should take their resting heart rate when they are at rest, which is typically after they wake up. However, if they are dealing with a significant amount of stress and anxiety, it can have an ongoing effect on their heart rate. It can even be one that they see before their day has fully begun. Therefore, individuals should reduce the stress in their life however they can. For example, if individuals feel that they have too much to do and do not have enough hours in a day, they can investigate whether or not they can delegate tasks. It may also help to ask for an extension at work or school where possible. 

If managing the household is hard, individuals may want to try setting more realistic expectations for their chores. Of course, individuals should make sure that they are making time for their hobbies and passions, as these are natural stress relievers. Many individuals also benefit from adding fifteen to thirty minutes of yoga or meditation to their daily routine. A mindfulness meditation before work can help an individual get in touch with their body, relieve stress, and prepare to face the day ahead.

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