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Reasons Why Handwashing Is Important

Prevent Germ Transfer To Face 

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Throughout the day, everyone picks up germs on their hands as they touch surfaces around them. Unfortunately, when someone touches their face, they can transfer these germs into their body. Thankfully, individuals can break the link between germs on their hands and developing an illness by keeping their hands clean with proper handwashing. Experts estimate that the average individual touches their face sixteen times every hour. Everyone touches their nose, mouth, and eyes. Touching these areas allows germs to enter the body. 

Experts recommend washing hands frequently to prevent germ transfer. If individuals do not have access to a sink, hand sanitizer can be used. They should wash their hands when they arrive at work and when they come home. Individuals should also wash their hands after arriving home from errands and after visiting any location outside their home. It is especially crucial for individuals to wash their hands after visiting someone who is sick and after handling food, trash, money, pets, or any items that may not be clean. 

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