Guide To The Symptoms Of A Gallbladder Attack

Fever And Chills 

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A low-grade fever may be present during a gallbladder attack. This symptom also occurs in approximately one-third of patients with gallbladder disease. Currently, doctors define a low-grade fever as a temperature that is between 100.4 and 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. If both fever and chills are present in a gallbladder attack, this could be a sign of a bacterial infection in the patient's gallbladder. Patients with chills could experience shaking too. A high fever could occur if an individual has an inflamed gallbladder. This is one of the potential complications of a gallstone attack. 

During hospital treatment for a gallbladder attack, doctors will measure the patient's temperature and other vital signs and recheck them regularly. Patients should let their medical team know if they experience chills or shaking. Depending on the patient's temperature, doctors may administer fever-reducing medication. They may recommend applying a cool cloth to the face or removing some clothing to reduce body temperature naturally. 

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