What Are The Symptoms Of Glomerulonephritis?


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The majority of glomerulonephritis patients will develop hypertension (high blood pressure) due to reductions in kidney function and changes in the way their body processes sodium. Doctors currently define hypertension as a blood pressure reading consistently higher than 130/80. Patients with kidney conditions will have their blood pressure monitored at every checkup, and they may need to take prescription medication to reduce their blood pressure. Doctors may recommend patients check their blood pressure regularly with an at-home monitoring unit. Many of these units now sync with smartphones, and patients can choose to share measurements with their medical team automatically. In addition to medication, physicians typically recommend for patients with this condition to try to reach or maintain a healthy weight, and it may be necessary to reduce protein, potassium, and sodium in the diet. Some patients with this form of kidney disorder might develop a form of hypertension known as malignant hypertension, which involves rapid increases in blood pressure, and it is considered a medical emergency. Blood pressure readings of at least 180/120 are common with malignant hypertension, and they may indicate kidney failure. Patients should always let their doctor know about any changes in their home blood pressure readings, and they should take all blood pressure medicine exactly as prescribed.

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