Guide To Common Supplements For The Hair, Skin, And Nails


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Collagen is a protein composed of nineteen amino acids. As individuals age, the body produces less collagen, which contributes to fine lines, wrinkles, and a loss of skin elasticity. Collagen supplements may help reduce the signs of skin aging and improve skin texture. Since collagen fights free radicals in the body, some individuals who take collagen supplements report an increase in hair growth. They may find that their hair looks thicker. In terms of nail health, collagen may be beneficial in preventing brittle nails and nail breakage. 

In 2017, researchers conducted a study of twenty-five participants that lasted twenty-four weeks. Each participant consumed 2.5 grams of a specific collagen supplement each day. At the conclusion of the study, researchers noted that the average rate of nail growth in the participants had increased by twelve percent, there was a forty-two percent decrease in the frequency of nail breakage. Since this study lacked a control group, more research is needed to determine the overall effectiveness of collagen for nail health. In addition to oral supplements, some patients may choose to use topical collagen treatments, especially for treating skin issues.

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