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10 Foods For Brighter Teeth And A Better Smile

It is common knowledge that eating certain foods can damage teeth and cause staining. Foods and beverages like wine, coffee, and berries can ruin a healthy smile. Luckily, there are also foods out there that can remove stains and improve a person’s overall oral health. Here are ten of the absolute best foods that can be used to whiten teeth naturally.


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Cheese lovers are in luck as eating cheese helps ones teeth in more ways than one. It is full of phosphorus and calcium, which helps to re-mineralize teeth and gums. These types of beneficial properties help to insulate the mouth from harmful acids as well. Calcium contributes to strengthen bones and teeth, making them more resilient to unwanted damage. Additionally, cheese increases the pH levels inside the mouth, making it less acidic and reducing the risks of discoloration and tooth erosion. Even the act of chewing hard cheeses can benefit teeth as it increases saliva production and helps to wash away any harmful bacteria.

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