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Warning Signs Of Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

Hypotension is the medical term for abnormally low blood pressure. It might surprise some to learn low blood pressure can be a dangerous condition. Many individuals want or need to lower their blood pressure since heightened blood pressure can lead to dangerous cardiovascular problems.

Some individuals have naturally low blood pressure and experience no ill effects and low blood pressure is not life-threatening as often as high blood pressure. However, there have been rare cases where blood pressure becomes low enough that it causes potentially fatal complications. Clinical hypotension occurs when the systolic number (the one on top) is lower than 90 mm Hg, or the diastolic number (the bottom number) is lower than 60 mm Hg.

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Learn about the most common signs of hypotension now.

Lightheadedness and Dizziness

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Lightheadedness and dizziness are two of the most common symptoms of low blood pressure. These occur because the brain is not receiving enough blood, which means it's being deprived of necessary oxygen. Patients might experience dizziness if they have a brief low blood pressure spell. Some individuals feel the dizziness and lightheadedness when they stand after they've been sitting or lying down. This can sometimes be because of the sudden increase in the necessary energy of the body. It can also happen if individuals have certain conditions that cause their blood pressure to drop sharply when they stand up. Individuals are more likely to notice dizziness when they're standing up, as a loss of balance is more noticeable from a standing position. They might become dizzy enough that they need to sit down. Some symptoms may precede a loss of consciousness, like narrowing of the vision, dark spots in front of the eyes, and a high-pitched ringing in the ears.

Continue reading to reveal more symptoms of hypotension now.

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