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How To Stay Hydrated Beyond Drinking Water

Eat Soup And Stew Regularly

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Another way to help with hydration is to eat soup and stew regularly. There are hundreds of different kinds of stews and soups, and nearly every culture in the world has some traditional variations on these dishes. Those aiming for hydration should heat the food on the stove rather than in the microwave, as microwaves cause a great deal of water to evaporate. The water content in broth varies, but it's usually above ninety percent. Most broths have a water base. Another bonus of broths and soups is that these fluids often contain sodium. Though too much sodium can impact an individual's heart health, it's important to get some sodium if they want to stay hydrated. Sodium is an electrolyte that allows individuals to retain fluid rather than losing it through their urine. When individuals become dehydrated, their sodium levels drop. Low sodium can cause multiple problems throughout the body, including potentially life-threatening complications. To add more nutrition to soups and stews, individuals should use a lot of vegetables as well.

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